The Story of Qiblasense

"The Qiblasense is born out of a strive for simplicity.

Modern life is cluttered, apps, alerts, advertising, and other distractions never give us a break. There is no time to stop and think, and no time to stop and feel what is important.

While technology has made prayer easier through qibla apps, it has also made it more messy.

Our vision is to take the ritual of prayer back to purity.

We think the holy ritual of prayer should be as beautiful and simple as it is meant to be. It is just between you and Allah. No advertisers need to come between. No blinking alerts. Just the feeling in your heart.

The Qiblasense is about making the world more simple and more beautiful again.

This is why we work with natural wood and simple cotton string. Because the real beauty is in the inside."

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah

The Qiblasense team